Nothing else done as yet, although have fitted the trim on the edge of the worktop, and did actually cut a new work top that gives some overlap all round. Will try and get started on the cupboard on monday, really want to have my electrics sorted for week after next when we go camping, the camper wont be used, we are using our trailer tent, but using the camper to tow it and I think it will be used as a sitting area by the 40 odd friends that will be there too. Oh and today we bought one of the water containers, a 10 litre one with a tap, the tap isnt important, but the size is, and leaves plenty of room for the second waste container and gas bottle. (Plus need a sink and hob too !) :P

Some of you will know that I do Pet Photography, and tomorrow we are attending a rescue dog show which we are also one of the sponsors of, anyway, I was invited to be the pet photographer of the day, but I dont like doing crowds, id rather be in a one to one situation, its a confidence thing, anyway another pet photographer was invited so I miss out on that one, but a couple friends have asked me to photograph their dogs at the show, so was playing around with my kit to see if it would work. It did :).
This is my dog Barney ......
And this is how I took his photo, on our driveway, in the dark, using my camper canopy to reflect the flash light back down onto the white vinyl background, so the camper is going on its first official (well non official as I turned the offer down !) working job tomorrow :).
This is one of the reasons I wanted a camper, for going out on photo meets with other photographers and being able to have a chat and a drink afterwards, which is why I was so insistent on the L shaped seating, easier to talk to people than the normal rock and roll style seats where you sit next to each other in the forward position.
Thats it for today, check back soon and see how I do the cupboard :)
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