I want to use the frames we have already made with Andy, but the question was how, they had been welded together with a completely different design in mind. Well not completely different, but different enough. The metal cost me £85 all told, so I am determined it is being used somewhere !
I ended up with this design, where the 2 frames I have are welded together, the bigger of the frames that will make the seat top when not a bed is to have some more struts welded across to strengthen when it is a bed. This also means that I will have to make the wooden part of the converting seat about 3cm lower than the fixed seat, so incorporate the 20mm frame and a 10mm ply board that will make the seat and bed board. It all made my head hurt in the end, but i think I have come up with a workable design with the least fuss. One drawback is that when it is pulled out into a bed, the seat pad nearest the window will be slightly lower than the pad on the metal frame, which isnt ideal, but wont cause much of a problem either. The whole thing will look neat as a seat, and pretty comfy as a bed, and can still be used as storage. Fair play to the campervan and caravan designers for coming up with their designs, its not until you design one yourself and come up with the pitfalls that you fully appreciate what they do.
Of course this may change in time, I think I will review it again when I have made the fixed seat and it is in place.
If anyone has any better ideas using the metal frame you can see below, then do please comment and I will look into it. If you have a really clever design that doesnt use the metal frame then I'd still like to hear that too, will just have to find another job for the metal if I go ahead and use it.

I think this is why I decided to be the project manager rather than do it all myself. I wouldn't have the patience, or indeed the skill, to do much of the work myself. My plan was to buy a good condition vehicle of the right size and gradually bring it up to a standard. I was extremely lucky with my purchase of the 412D Merc both on price and condition. There are still several jobs that need to be done on the engine/drive train side but mostly they are minor tweaks. I suspect that 90% will be sorted by a full service. The bed was our main priority as we needed it to be both a good bed and also safe seats with three Lap and strap belts. Now that has been fitted, we feel we can follow the plan again. I stand in awe of people who can build from scratch but I done't ever want to try it myself. Thanks for the advice about the awning, I have taken it on board and will discuss it with the boss.