Today I picked up the last bit of metal for the bed pull out frame, this will be fitted over the wheel arch seat box, and will pull out to make the bed. Once all that is done, I can see for sure how much room I will have for the cupboard and the kitchen unit.
These pics were taken with an ultra wide angle lens, so if it all looks a funny shape thats why :) (thanks to Tammy for lending it to me whilst she is on her holidays !)

The Doorstep on the side door will eventually be finished off with a blue plastic door step from Volkswagen, I believe they are about £35.
Also have to mention the engine, the new engine is in now, and connected up, just need to put the fluids in and the battery, see if it starts and runs ok, then replace the bottom engine cover and pollen filter that goes above the battery. So more to come tomorrow (actually later today), a big thanks to Jon for all his hard work getting the engine sorted, lots of new parts, a big thanks to Verns Autoparts in Tredworth for those, so check back later and see if the engine was a goodun or not :) (PLEEEEEEEEEASE all keep your fingers crossed for me, if I have to I will get another engine, but please dont let me have to !) :)
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