Jon arrived about 2pm, and we got stuck in, I was just helping doing the odd bits and fetching carrying and coffee runs, I just dont have the memory to remember where everything goes anymore. Anyway all went pretty well, nothing too hard to report, until the engine was all disconnected and sitting on the trolley jack supported by the engine hoist, there are 2 ways to bring the engine out, from the front with the radiator removed etc, and from underneath, but you then have the problem of lifting the van off and over, so that way is best done if you have used of a ramp, either way the radiator has to come out to allow access to all the bits and pieces behind it. Anyway, Jon was loosening it from the gearbox, and it suddenly dropped forward and ended up wedged on its front, managed to lift it back up with the hoist and trolley jack, and after a lot of wiggling and jiggling it came out around 6pm tonight, so 3-4 hrs to get it out, not too bad :) Its suspended on the engine hoist in the carport now next to the new engine, Jon will be back in the morning to swap all the bits over and replace the clutch and timing belt with pulleys, whilst I am working, then hopefully it will be almost ready to put back in by the time I get home to help again.
Some pics below show it coming out and on the hoist next to the new one, sorry about he quality, my phone seemed to be playing up today, not focusing properly, but you get the idea :)
Engine In Place, Front Panel & Radiator Removed

All Disconnected And On Hoist Ready To Lift Out

Its A Big Hole Where My Engine Used To Be !

New Engine On The Left 89k, Old One On The Right 195k :)

Went to Focus on my way back home and bought the Aluminium strip to finish off the back of the laminate flooring, wasnt hard to fit, used chrome collets and steel screws, finished it off nicely :)
The Aluminium Strip To Finish The Laminate Flooring

Well here it is, the sneak preview as promised, delivered quicker than promised, havent had a chance to make the seat carcasses yet ! :) Martin, will email you the details of the company, just havent had time to reply yet :) This seating is made from 4" fire retardent foam, covered in blue leatherette, I wasnt sure about the colour when I first saw it in the box, but when I put it in the van, and pictured it with similar coloured curtains, I think they will do fine :) Obviously better photos to follow when the seating has been installed, have to pick up the last of the metal tomorrow so that the metal bed pull out frame can be finished, then just need to build them up and bolt them in :)

Thats it for an update today, as well as what I just said, have to go back to Vern's tomorrow and get a new battery for it, the old one flattened and wont take a full charge anymore, so may as well replace, Im thinking nearly everything has been replaced now !
Talking of which, when we were taking the engine out today, Jon thinks that the starter motor, front exchaust down pipe, turbo, and alternator have all been replaced in the last year or so, so thats really good news, when its all done I should have a van to last ! :)
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