As you can see it fitted my worktop and frame underneath perfectly, again I made a good decision lol, getting good at measurements, not getting them wrong as much as I used to :)
I have had the burners going, and they are very good, would be great to cook on, although give out loads of heat directly above, I dont really want to put a metal plate above, so will see how hot it gets once I have the roof vent fitted, if its still a problem then might have to.
Tomorrow (saturday) i'm hoping to rebuild the kitchen and raise it slightly, so the doors dont drag the floor, and then build my cupboard for the battery and electrics, already bought the doors today as they were on special, matching to the kitchen doors, reduced from £11, which is for a 400mm wide door and drawer front, down to £8.80, so bought 2 packs, will use both doors and one of the drawer fronts to build a tall cupboard, just have to go get some contiboard tomorrow. The bottom part of the cupboard I am intending to keep the battery in and the zig unit and consumer unit, leaving the top completely free for 2 shelves for storage.
Hopefully once the cupboard is built, I can then plan what electrics are going to go where. I think my tv should still fit on the side of the cupboard, am now thinking I might make some kind of contraption to still swing it round so it can be seen from the back of the camper, for playing wii etc.
Thats it for now, hopefully more text and pics tomorrow and hopefully the cupboard will be mostly there. :)