Anyway once Tracy, Rob, Dusty and Harvey had come down and wrecked the camper whilst delivering the curtains (see dirty floor in pics !), :P, I set about cutting the rail to length and fixing them above the windows. I am very impressed with the curtains, Jean, Robs mum did a fantastic job on them and they sooooo match the interior :). See for yourself below.
Late into last night, ummmmm 1am to be exact, I glued the carpet to the remaining rear roof panel and the side loading door panel, and refitted them, I was holding off on the roof panel until I decided what was happening to the tv, but even if I knew, the panel would still have had to be covered, so did it now, makes a big difference having the whole roof yellow, much neater.
Today, I decided I would finish off the seats, still had a few jobs to do on them, and as Im not going to get the cupboard built before we go away or the electrics installed, I thought it best to finish off all the jobs that need finishing.
Seat wise, the seat opposite the kitchen unit, I still needed to cut some more off so it fitted past the kitchen unit when folded out into the bed position, I also had to fix the metal trim I had made for it on, I also wanted to change all the hinges I had put on for thinner flush fitting ones, and then I needed to carpet the top of the seat board to hide the wood and hinges that were showing. Once I'd done all that, Jen said that we needed some kind of 12v power at the back of the camper for the 12v cool boxes we have ready for thursday when we take it away, so whilst the seat was out and on a bench, I fitted a 12v socket to the front of the seat, and wired it ready to connect to the leisure battery. You can see a pic of it and the blue carpet beneath the seat pads and the metal trim in the pic below.
Once that seat was finished, I had to take the other one out. Needed to make the metal trim up for this one from scratch as I hadnt done it yet, then fitted a lid "stay" so that when we lifted the top up to access the storage space, you dont have to keep hold of it it just clicks and stays in the up position, you then push it back slightly and it releases to fold it back down. Then I needed to carpet the top like the previous seat. So all in all there was alot of work really just on those couple of things.
Its actually starting to look nice now and homely, something you could maybe ohhh I dont know, sleep in ? :P
Next job is to sort the kitchen unit doors, that are still scuffing the floor when they open. I also have to decide what wiring I am going to be doing before we go away, I dont need much, but as said before a socket for the cool boxes is a must to keep the barbecue stuff cold on the trip down etc. Would also like to get the seat/bed cubes done quickly just so I can try them out and see if they work, but these arent essential to the trip so will see what time I have left. Oh and would like to sort out a shelf in the kitchen unit that will house the gas bottle safely. Apart from that, I dont think there is alot else I can start on before thursday, will update the blog again hopefully before we go.
One last thing, the outside of the camper is going to look a bit different soon, I asked a friend that works as a sign writer, if he could make me up some vinyl pawprints to put on the camper for now and for a bit of fun when we go away, he agreed to in exchange for some pet photography, which I will gladly do ! :) Today he came up trumps and brought them round, they are going to look awesome ! :) Thank you so much Jamie !. Hoping to put them on on wednesday, so look out for a pic wednesday night :)
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