It was Dave and Martin again, good job we decided to replace it, apart from the big stonechip, the bonding had split at the top of the screen, when Dave went to put the wire through to break the seal all the way round, his wire went straight through, which it shouldnt do, so we would have eventually sprung a leak had we just repaired the chip. Fate.
Hope they dont mind, but in the spirit of this blog, it had to be documented with pictures :).
Thanks Dave and Martin, great job again, I can highly recommend them.

The Work Begins..

Screen Out & Dave Managed To Pierce His Finger, Oops..

The Clean Up & Prep For New Screen...

Lift ... 1

Lift ... 2

And Its In...

Final Push & Replace Wiper Arms...

Its nice to get another job out of the way, with the weather and lack of money things have slowed down a little bit, so going to be seeing what I can stick on Ebay later and try to get things moving again, my Nokia N95 will be going up so if you fancy it go find me on ebay and put a bid in :). Need lots more too so a trip to the loft might be in order.
Got to leave Norman II alone for today now while the bonding sets, so can't take him over mum's in a minute, will just have to wait until tomorrow ! :)
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