....was the sound of tapping keys on a keyboard, whilst I was looking for interior designs and materials :)
Ok tomorrow the windows are being fitted, getting quite excited, will be a major change and a big step on the way to its conversion. Have been trawling the net for ideas on what to do with all that bare metal thats in it at the moment, and have seen some pretty cool professional looking fittings. My intention is to not have any metal showing, so have been looking for that carpet you use on sound boxes, thinking well black wont be so bad, I have only ever seen black or maybe grey, so thought that was my only option...... I was soooooo wrong ! Jen and I have decided on a bright funky yellow for the top half and what I can only describe as an Everton type blue on the lower half ! Not yet decided what to do with the roof or floor yet, Im thinking a rubber floor at the moment, but also thinking that a beech coloured laminate flooring might look nice with that colour combination, just worried about the dogs slipping, so rubber may be the way to go, AND they do coloured rubber flooring too ! Found a nice orange coloured one earlier, which Jen liked but I think it might be a colour too far !

Yellow for the top, Blue for the bottom..
I was also looking to see what I could do with the 15" freeview monitor we bought for the caravan when we had it, wasnt sure how to put it in, I want it flipping down from the roof but wasnt sure how to go about it, anyway found a made for it bracket on ebay, that takes tvs much heavier than mine, so hoping that it will do the job when I get around to ordering it, am thinking about building some kind of cabinet or surround thats going to be covered in a sympathetic colour to the rest of the back. Apparently this bracket will swivel 360 degrees, so where I am going to put the screen, at the back by the back window, it should swivel round and be viewable from outside the rear of the van if we needed it to be, am thinking lots of Wii gaming at the back of the van where you can be as animated as you like ! :)Have also been looking at awnings, the Fiamma kind that pull out from the side of the van, but unless a really cheap one comes up, will think more seriously about that once the bodywork has been done and its been bodywrapped or painted.
Jen took NII in to have the tyres fitted on Tuesday, had all 4 replaced drove out the garage and down the road, and the I get a phone call saying that there is a noise coming from the back which speeds up the faster you go, I assured her it didnt do that before the tyres were fitted so told her to take it back to the tyre place and get them to have a quick look see what had happened, all the while thinking oh no there goes my window money, something awful has happened !, anyway it wasnt too bad, the handbrake cable on each side were sitting too close to the wheel, which wasnt a problem with the old balance weights that were on the inside of the wheels, but the new weights were either chunkier or the cables had moved as the weights were grazing the handbrake cables as the wheels went round. The nice people down Discount Tyres cable tied them back for us, and this has sorted the problem, jen made them a whole £5 richer for their trouble ! :)
The same day my "spinner" wheel trims arrived, and I think they look ok on, show the van up a bit at the moment to be fair :). But am happy with them, makes NII look a bit shinier :).
Was having a chat with Jamie from Signs Express tonight, and he is trying to push me away from the body wrap idea, saying it would be better to get it sprayed and then apply the mystery machine graphics, which could be nice, but im thinking im not that good at bodywork, so was hoping the vinyl would hide any blemishes I may miss :) We'll see, said I would leave it to him to organise, and for him to find me a ball park figure that I can start saving for !
Its 11.30pm, and Im just considering going out and taking one last pic inside NII with its panels intact, before they get cut out tomorrow, wont see them again :)
Im itching to get started on the interior, have seen some really smart jobs done tonight, although the whole camper idea is kind of tongue in cheek, as in its design, its meant to stand out and give people a laugh, I do want to do a professional job on it that I can be proud of, so its going to be a steep learning curve for me and I will probably get frustrated along the way, but am really looking forward to it. Need to learn electrics now, have learnt window tinting from the net, and hopefully carpeting, now for electrics :)
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